Vignerons Ardechois - Igp Ardeche Rouge Fonvene Bib 10 Litres
Red Wines | RHÔNE | Igp Ardeche RougeSavor the essence of Ardeche in every pour!
- Convenient and eco-friendly packaging for easy storage and transportation
- Excellent value for quality, perfect for gatherings and events
- A versatile red wine suitable for various occasions and food pairings
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Free of charge, from Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:15 and 14:00 to 19 PM
Product features : Vignerons Ardechois - Igp Ardeche Rouge Fonvene Bib 10 Litres
Nicolas françois, propriétaire passionné des halles de quercamps
Vignerons Ardechois
Located in the picturesque heart of Ardèche, Les Vignerons Ardéchois embody the collective strength of numerous dedicated winemakers who have worked together for decades to highlight the richness and diversity of this unique terroir.
Founded in 1967, this cooperative now brings together over a dozen wineries, representing a significant portion of Ardèche’s wine production. By pooling their resources, expertise, and passion, Les Vignerons Ardéchois have successfully crafted an impressive range of wines—from fresh, fruity selections to more complex, aged cuvées.
The Ardèche terroir boasts remarkable diversity: from volcanic soils in the north to limestone terraces in the south, each vineyard adds its unique signature. This diversity shines through in the cooperative’s wines, presenting a palette of flavors and aromas that truly capture the essence of the Ardèche.